According to our History teacher, one of the reasons why Hitler had killed millions of Jew was because he believed it was God’s order to kill the Jews. Hitler, himself, believed that Jews had killed Jesus. However, God definitely does not want us to harm the people who live in different culture with different faith. Rather, He wants us to respect them and lead them to the right path, through Christianity. The Bible states “For God so loved the world, that He gave his one and Only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16), which supports God's love towards the world. God loves the World and the people so sincerely that He even gave up His only Son Jesus, to express how He cares and loves each one of us. Not everyone would believe in God, but God does not love only the Christians, but loves everyone. Don Richardson had listened to God’s words and had shown God's expectations through his actions, by entering to a Sawi World, where a completely different culture and faith exist. Despite of knowing how dangerous the Sawi World is, Don almost sacrificed himself and led the several Sawi people to the world of Christianity. Don Richardson actually had a choice of deciding whether he goes to the Sawi territory or not, but he believed God wants him to serve them.
God expects us to serve the people who does not know His existence, as Don Richardson did. It might be difficult to enter to a land of cannibals as Don Richardson did but I believe it is not the only way of showing God's love. Starting with small actions, God wants us to teach the people about God’s love and His words by spreading the gospel.
Alice, I think you're quite right. God does love everyone in this world, even those who do not know or agree with Christianity. It is by confronting other types of people and cultures that we can truly bring everyone into God's world and fulfill his wishes.
I agree that God gave his one and only Son to save not only Christians, but everyone in this world. Therefore, we should reach everyone we can and spread God's love and the gospel.
Thank you Dennis for your thoughtful comment. But what do you mean I am quite right? Is it a type-error? I am "absolutly" right. Joking.
Alice~ I’m fan of yours
I guess John 3:16 is a famous verse! I believe this verse conveys many powerful meanings. As you mentioned, it shows the love of God toward us, and it also suggests that it is only through Jesus that we would be able to reach heaven. In other words, Christians have responsibilities to spread the gospel all over the world to give the taste of faith that is beyond their knowledge. However, there are many other faiths that exists in our world, in which, we should not allege our own belief but should have respect to other religion. In other words, it is good deeds in sending missionaries to other isolated regions to acknowledge those who wouldn’t have chance to learn faith from other environment, but we should not force anyone to believe in certain faith.
Hi I am a big fan of yours too =)
Definitely, the John 3:16 is the most famous verse in TCIS. Also, it is one of the few verses I had memorized.. Yeah, I agree to your statement. It is never right to force anyone to believe in certain faith, such as Christianity. Since we are attending to a Christians school, it seems Christian is the best faith and the only faith, however I realize there are also numerous numbers of faiths outside the world =) Thanks for you comment!
Alice you have a wonderful blog site. Thank you for motivating your peers to respond to your posts. You have really blessed me - this is the best grading job I've had in ages!!! Mrs.Mc.
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